Join Wake Digital in celebrating 88 national holidays throughout the year!

From Puppy Day to National Bacon Day, we’re documenting our journey to #MakeWorkFunAgain 🎉



– Read the calendar below for the list of national holidays & how to celebrate each one. Feel free to get creative!

– Document your celebrations by posting a photo or video to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

– Make sure to use #MakeWorkFunAgain along with the holiday hashtag.

– Miscellaneous prizes along the way!




– Each month, we’ll be picking one winner who uses our #MakeWorkFunAgain hashtag to receive a tailored social media strategy for your brand or business.

– A fun, engaging way for your team to grow closer together throughout the year.

– An opportunity to get your brand name noticed by others.


4th: Trivia Day #NationalTriviaDay > View

IDEA: Have your team each bring their best piece of trivia to the office. Quiz co-workers and then share whose was the most tricky.


19th: Popcorn Day #NationalPopcornDay > View

IDEA: Make popcorn for your team meeting!


23rd: National Pie Day #PieDay

IDEA: Go out for pie as a staff or bake one and bring it to the office to share! See whose is tastiest.


25th: Opposite Day #OppositeDay

IDEA: Just do the opposite of everything you do on any normal day like eat dinner for breakfast (while still being productive at work of course).


31st: Inspire Your Heart With Art Day #InspireYourHeartWithArtDay > View

IDEA: Bring to the office a piece of art you enjoy and share with your colleagues. Or take it one step further and create something!




2nd: Groundhog Day #GroundhogDay

IDEA: Celebrate with some groundhog stew, some dirt pie and have an afterwork movie evening watching Bill Murray’s Groundhog Day.

7th: Send a Card to a Friend Day #SendACardToAFriendDay

IDEA: Simple! Buy some inexpensive cards and envelopes, hand them out at the office and have everyone write a note to a friend they are thankful for or wish they stayed better in touch with!

13th: Clean Out Your Computer Day #CleanYourComputerDay

IDEA: First see who has the messiest desktop and computer in the office. Then have everyone organize and clean their computers. At the end of the day see whose is the most improved and whose the best organized! This will only increase productivity for the future!

15th: Gumdrop Day #GumdropDay

IDEA: It’s easy to celebrate this day. Just get a bag full of delicious gumdrops and enjoy them to your heart’s content. OR you can go hard and see who in the office can eat the most gumdrops in under a minute.

17th: Random Acts of Kindness Day #RandomActsOfKindnessDay

IDEA: Do something kind that is our of your way for someone. Document it with a picture and spread the word! This is not to falsely build yourself up, but to spread the love so more people will do awesome things for awesome people!

22nd: Margarita Day #NationalMargaritaDay

IDEA: There is nothing like building community. Go out with some co-workers after the work day is over and enjoy a Margarita. Make sure to get an awesome group photo!




3rd: Employee Appreciation Day #EmployeeAppreciationDay


7th: Pancake Day #NationalPancakeDay


14th: Potato Chip Day #NationalPotatoChipDay


18th: Awkward Moments Day #AwkwardMomentsDay


20th: Ravioli Day #RavioliDay


30th: Take a Walk in the Park Day #WalkInTheParkDay


31st: World Backup Day #WorldBackupDay





5th: Walking Day #NationalWalkingDay


7th: Beer Day #NationalBeerDay


10th: Siblings Day #NationalSiblingsDay


11th: Pet Day #NationalPetDay


13th: Make Lunch Count Day #NationalMakeLunchCountDay


20th: High Five Day #NationalHighFiveDay


25th: Telephone Day #NationalTelephoneDay


27th: Tell a Story Day #TellAStoryDay





2nd: Thank a Teacher Day #ThankATeacher


4th: Orange Juice Day #NationalOrangeJuiceDay


5th: Have a Coke #HaveACokeDay


10th: Receptionist Day #NationalReceptionistDay


18th: No Dirty Dishes Day #NoDirtyDishesDay


23rd: Lucky Penny Day #LuckyPennyDay


24th: National Scavenger Hunt Day #NationalScavengerHuntDay


27th: Grape Popsicle Day #GrapePopsicleDay





2nd: Doughnut Day #NationalDonutDay


3rd: Civic Day of Hacking #HackForChange


6th: Yo-Yo Day #NationalYoYoDay


19th: Martini Day #NationalMartiniDay


21st: Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay


27th: Sunglasses Day #NationalSunglassesDay


30th: Social Media Day #SMDay





5th: Bikini Day #NationalBikiniDay


10th: Pina Colada Day #NationalPinaColadaDay


13th: French Fry Day #NationalFrenchFryDay


17th: Emoji Day #EmojiDay


20th: Get To Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay


24th: Drive-Thru Day #NationalDriveThruDay


28th: Milk Chocolate Day #NationalMilkChocolateDay





2nd: Ice Cream Sandwich Day #NationalIceCreamSandwichDay


8th: National Dollar Day #NationalDollarDay


9th: Book Lovers Day #NationalBookLoversDay


11th: Sons & Daughter’s Day #SonsAndDaughtersDay


15th: Relaxation Day #NationalRelaxationDay


16th: Tell a Joke Day #NationalTellAJokeDay


24th: Waffle Day #NationalWaffleDay


31st: Trail Mix Day #NationalTrailMixDay





1st: College Colors Day #CollegeColorsDay


6th: Read a Book Day #ReadABookDay


12th: Day of Encouragement #NationalDayOfEncouragement


15th: Online Learning Day #InternationalOnlineLearningDay


21st: International Day of Peace #InternationalDayOfPeace


25th: Family Day #FamilyDay


29th: Coffee Day #NationalCoffeeDay





4th: Taco Day #NationalTacoDay


1st: Leif Erikson Day #LeifEriksonDay


10th: Kick Butt Day #NationalKickButtDay


12th: Take Your Parents to Lunch Day #TakeYourParentsToLunchDay


16th: Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day #CleanYourVirtualDesktopDay


19th: Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day #ChamberOfCommerceDay


26th: National Pumpkin Day #NationalPumpkinDay


29th: Internet Day #InternetDay


30th: Checklist Day #ChecklistDay





1st: Stress Awareness Day #StressAwarenessDay


4th: Candy Day #NationalCandyDay


8th: S.T.E.A.M. Day #STEAMDay


13th: World Kindness Day #WorldKindnessDay


17th: Take a Hike Day #NationalTakeAHikeDay


21st: Entrepreneur’s Day #NationalEntrepreneursDay


25th: Small Business Saturday #ShopSmall





4th: National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay


5th: International Ninja Day #InternationalNinjaDay


8th: Brownie Day #NationalBrownieDay


11th: International Mountain Day #InternationalMountainDay


18th: Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf #AnswerThePhoneLikeBuddyTheElfDay


21st: Crossword Puzzle Day #CrosswordPuzzleDay


26th: Thank You Note Day #ThankYouNoteDay


30th: Bacon Day #BaconDay

31st: #MakeWorkFunAgain Day 

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